Saturday, July 26, 2008

Wednesday, July 23 2008

Arg. I keep waiting to write till I'm too exhausted (although there may not be much "waiting till i'm exhausted" about it, as that is pretty consistently my state).

The guardaria certainly had its rewarding moments, but Lau Lau and I felt a collective sort of dejection upon leaving today.

Don Bosco was really nice for me. I'm finally able to make jokes and be loose with my coworkers. To work on maintaining the kids' reading skills during this summer vacation, we read a story aloud (which was great for me because I think I'm about on their level). Then, we made woven bracelets with beads (evidently known as "shakiras" in Colombia...yes like the singer with the sexy hips). I asked Antonio if he could read another story while we worked, so he read me one about a mangosta (mongoose) that I managed to understand. Lovely.

I called Max for his birthday tonight and we talked for seven dollars. Apparently I sounded Jewish.

Azucena and I had an empanada-making party which was great. Lau Lau turned out to be inept with a rolling pin and a verde (a type of very starchy, banana looking vegetable) pounding stone and every other step of the empanada-making process, so she kept us company as we worked away. mmm ¡Qué rico!

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