Sunday, July 6, 2008

Quick Morning Thoughts July 2, 2008

Hello my North American loves! Days and emotions and wild activities have passed since I last wrote. I'm going to record portions of my own journal entries here. I'll put the dates they were first written. Excuse the lengthiness.

July 2, 2008 (AM)
All I have to report on this morning is a breakfast and a dream.
Breakfast: fried corn cakes, pan integral (like whole grain), fresh made pineapple juice, and chamomile tea. I sat with Azucena and her brother SIMON BOLIVAR (haha) and watched this weird chain email video clip of sort of slutty faires set to one of the ethereal celine dion songs from titanic. Overlayed were messages about how money can't buy the important things in life, followed by about twenty slides devoted to threatening us with testimonies about the horrors that befell those who didn't send the email to twenty people within the next 24 hours.

Last night I dreamed that June Arthurs and mom got in a fight and this random Rastafarian guy took June's side, saying that mom was "mean." I had to explain to him that he didn't know the whole story. Then, so that things wouldn't be awkward in the car ride back from (Jordan lake, i think?), Jenna and I reminisced about how she used to love farting noises.

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