Monday, July 14, 2008

Friday, July 11

Wow! It's 11:30 and we just finished eating dinner.

Today, our foundation went to the Conocoto center for a meeting. Andrea and I ended up working with the kid's summer camp there, instead of attending the meeting (the plan is for this to become a part of our daily morning schedule). It was great-- warmer and more organized for summer activities. It's very different, though--the kids are significantly better off at this center. I wasn't sure how I felt about that, but I've decided that it's good to get diverse experiences in this way. I made many new friends, including a gaggle of cute little children, a 28-year old German girl named Julia (who I got on with as if she were my age) and an Ecuadorian boy who, of all things, is going to be studying abroad at NC STATE! next year! I chatted lengthily with Andrea and Julia (who, between the three of us, share four languages (Spanish, French, English--and for them, German).

After that, Andrea and I went to the historic center in Quito, and talked our heads off. It was gorgeous, but unbearably difficult to sit there by the pristine fountains while little kids came and begged with big eyes at our feet.

Tomorrow, we're off to Otavalo together, Andrea and I.

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